What is Company D?

We are a family-oriented, not-for-profit organization established March, 1998 to:

a) educate the general public on the lives of ordinary American citizens, both men and women, of the period 1861 - 1865.

b) preserve the history of the American Civil War, as it relates to the Commonwealth of Virginia and Northern Virginia in particular.

c) benefit Civil War-related museums, foundations, and nonprofit organizations
through participation in Civil War re-enactments, encampments, living histories, demonstrations, parades, memorial services, and other civic functions.

Bylaws of the Fairfax Rifles

Article I – Corporate Identity

1.00 Name
The corporation shall be known as The 17th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company D, “Fairfax Rifles,” Living History Society, hereinafter referred to as Company D.

1.01 Address
The principal office of Company D shall be the home address of the president of Company D for his or her term of office.

Article II – Purpose

2.00 The corporation is organized for the following purposes:
a) To educate the general public on the lives of ordinary American citizens, both men and women, of the period 1861-1865.
b) To preserve the history of the American civil war, as it relates to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Northern Virginia in particular.
c) To benefit Civil War related museums, foundations and other non-profit organizations.

As a non-profit entity, the corporation will fulfill its purpose through living history demonstrations. The membership will portray ordinary American men and women of the period through participation in Civil War Reenactments, encampments, living histories, demonstrations, parades, memorial services, and other civic functions.

Article III – Membership

3.00 Generally
Membership in Company D is open to all people regardless of race, sex, national origin, religion or physical disability and is subject only to those restrictions hereinafter listed.

3.01 Application
Membership in Company D shall be obtained by any eligible individual by submitting a completed application to an established member of the unit.

3.02 Classification
Company D will have four (4) classifications of membership: charter; probationary; established; and inactive.

3.03 Eligibility
Any individual aged 18 or older, possessing and earnest interest in the historic period represented by Company D and expressing a willingness to attain the objectives of Company D and abide by the by-laws and articles of incorporation set forth herein shall be deemed eligible for membership in Company D.

Any individual under the age of 18, possessing the aforementioned interest and willingness shall be deemed eligible only with the participation of a parent or legal guardian at any event the minor attends.

In all respects, women members, or prospective members, of Company D shall be able to participate as soldiers in all events.

3.04 Charter Members
To facilitate the organization of Company D all initial members actively engaged in the initial, first year, organization of Company D shall be deemed Charter Members. Their names shall be spread upon the records of Company D and they shall immediately be considered Established Members, as defined in Section 3.06.

3.05 Probationary Members
All prospective members shall be deemed probationary for a period of a minimum of six months and up to 1 year. The probationary period begins on the day the prospective member's application is received by the president of Company D. During this time Probationary Members must endeavor to educate and authentically attire themselves with the minimum uniform and accoutrements and/or civilian clothing see Article XII, below). Probationary Members 18 or older, may vote on sanctioning unit events, but may not vote on any other corporate affairs. Probationary Members may not hold corporate office or field command. Probationary Members must acquire a minimum of six (6) points as defined under Points in this section. Probationary membership ends when the member has satisfied all probationary requirements and is accepted by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the membership by a simple majority vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

3.06 Established Members
Established Members are those members who have:
a.) Paid their annual dues for the current year pursuant to Section 6.01 Dues; and
b.) Have accumulated at least six (6) points pursuant to Section 3.08 Points during the previous calendar year; and
c.) Made significant efforts to own all their own equipment [see Article XII, especially the Minimum Uniform and Equipment List]; and
d.) Do not owe Company D any money.

Established Members who are 16 or 17 may vote but not hold corporate office or field command. Those 18 or older may vote and hold corporate office or field command. Established members may be returned to Probationary status if they fail to meet the requirements of established membership or upon either the recommendation of the Executive Committee in consultation with the Field Commander.

3.07 Inactive Members
Inactive Members are those members who have achieved established membership status and participate in Company D activities but have both: 1.) not paid their annual dues for the relevant calendar year; and 2.) have failed to accumulate the required minimum of six (6) points as determined by Section 3.08 Points during the preceding calendar year. Inactive Members may not vote and may not hold corporate office or field command.

3.08 Points
a.) At each event, the field commander or the highest ranking military member as recognized by that year's muster, (or if no Company D military personnel are present at the event), the civilian with the longest time of continuous membership in Company D attending, will be responsible for recording attendance and awarding points, the record being sent to the field commander and Executive Committee of Company D.
b.) One (1) point is earned for each day's attendance at a Company D sanctioned event. No points are earned for fractional participation or on days for which the event organizer has not scheduled any activities that directly involve Company D. At the discretion of the field commander or the highest ranking military member as recognized by that year's muster, or if no Company D military personnel are present at the event, the civilian with the longest time of continuous membership in Company D attending, members will not have been deemed to have earned a point unless that member has participated in a majority of that day's activities.
c.) No more than two (2) of the required six (6) points may be earned by members attending non-Company D sanctioned events. To attain any points at events other than Company D sanctioned events, a member must represent the Fairfax Rifles in such event, submit his/her plans to attend the event (prior to the event) and the after-action report to the senior field commander and the Executive Committee.
d.) No points may be earned by members who have not paid their annual dues for that year.

3.09 Reinstatement of Inactive or Former Members
Any Inactive Member—or former member—owing money to Company D, is required to repay all money, in full, if they wish to be reinstated as an Established Member of Company D.

3.10 Responsibilities
All members shall studiously endeavor to achieve the objectives of Company D and shall project themselves as authentically as possible observing the social, cultural and military etiquette of the period. Members shall take pains to eliminate, as much as possible, all modem anachronisms. Members shall at all time conduct themselves responsibly and shall observe any and all rules set forth by event organizers and abide by any and all local laws and ordinances.

3.11 Termination or Dismissal
a.) Any member may terminate his or her association with Company D at any time by submitting a written letter of resignation to any member of the Executive Committee.
b.) Any member who fails to abide by the bylaws and policies of Company D may be subject to dismissal through the action of the Executive Committee and a confirming vote by a simple majority of the membership. If the member in question desires to appeal his or her dismissal, such action shall be held in abeyance pending their defense before the general membership at the next scheduled meeting of Company D. Anyone so removed shall not be allowed to reapply for membership for a period of one (1) calendar year.
c.) Members subject to dismissal or voluntary termination may be allotted a refund of their annual dues at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee.

3.12 Membership in PACS
All members of Company D shall also be members of its parent organization, the Provisional Army of Confederate States (PACS).

Article IV – Administration

4.00 The affairs of the corporation shall be administered by the membership under the direction of a duly elected President, Treasurer and Secretary and a Board of Directors or Executive Committee. The duly elected officers of the corporation shall also comprise the Board of Directors or Executive Committee.

4.01 Election of Corporate Officers
Corporate officers shall be elected at the annual meeting by a simple majority of eligible members and shall hold office for a period of one year, or until such time that they resign, or are removed from office. Members may hold only one elected office and one field office at a time. A member may not simultaneously hold the positions of corporate president and field commander. The election of corporate officers and the Board of Directors will be conducted in accordance with Article VII, Section 8.03 “Voting.”

4.02 President
The duties of the president of the corporation are as follows:
a) To preside at all corporate and Executive Committee meetings.
b) To organize, direct, and coordinate the efforts of the corporate officers and personally conduct, or designate responsible parties to conduct the business of the corporation.
c) To be responsible for all company correspondence with appropriate assistance from other corporation officers.
d) To coordinate all non-military activities & recommend administrative polices.
e) To cooperate with the field commander in coordinating military activities.

4.03 Treasurer
The duties of the treasurer are as follows:
a) To maintain the financial records of the corporation and the corporate treasury.
b) To make a report of financial condition at all corporate and Executive Committee meetings.
c) To accept and deposit, within 30 days of receipt, all annual dues, donations and reimbursement of funds to the treasury.
d) To maintain a record of the membership of the corporation and provide updates to the company webmaster for addition to the web site Current Muster page.
e) To execute payment of all corporate liabilities and to disburse funds, by the issuing of corporate checks.
f) To assist the president with company correspondence pertaining to company finances as needed.

4.04 Secretary
The duties of the secretary are as follows:
a) To record and preserve a record of the minutes of all corporate and Executive Committee meetings.
b) To read the minutes of the previous meeting at all corporate and executive committee meetings.
c) To inform members without e-mail of impending company business via telephone or U.S. Mail.
d) To assist the president with company correspondence as needed.
e) To maintain a record of any non-e-mail corporate correspondence in the form of originals or copies provided by other officers of the corporation.

4.05 Board of Directors/Executive Committee
The Board of Directors, also referred to as the Executive Committee of the corporation, shall be the initial administrative vehicle of this corporation. Subject to a confirming vote by the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting the Executive Committee is responsible for making recommendations concerning the programs and policies of this corporation to the membership. Subject to a confirming vote by the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting the Executive Committee is empowered to sanction all corporate events and activities and officially approving and reclassifying all probationary members. A majority of the Executive Committee shall meet at least four times per year at a time and place determined by the president. Members of the executive committee are required to attend all company meetings. Absence from three consecutive meetings shall be considered cause for removal upon a majority vote of the regular membership.

4.06 Resignation or Removal of Corporate Officers
A member holding corporate office may resign at any time by submitting a written letter of resignation to any other member of the Board of Directors/Executive Committee. Upon the occasion of such a resignation the remaining members of the Executive Committee shall call a special meeting of the membership or initiate a vote on a replacement of the office. If a meeting is not practical, a majority vote may be obtained by written correspondence.

All corporate officers serve at the pleasure of the membership and may be removed with just cause. At request of any three (3) eligible members showing just cause, a vote for removal may be initiated by the membership at any scheduled corporate meeting or event at which a quorum is present and acting throughout. A simple majority shall rule such vote.

Article V – Sponsorship

5.00 The 17th Virginia recognizes the substantial expense imposed on prospective new members to participate in reenacting. Consequently, any prospective member, (i.e., a probationary member) shall be deemed eligible to be partially or wholly equipped by the company. Sponsored participants shall be provided with all necessary clothing (provided the proper size is available), shelter, equipment and accoutrements by the corporation.

Sponsored participants may or may not be corporate members, but in either case shall be advised of and expected to comply with any corporation policies, rules regulations and bylaws. New, or probationary members, shall have precedence over non-members for sponsorship. Once a probationary member has been sponsored he or she is expected to endeavor to educate and authentically attire themselves with the minimum uniform and accoutrements and/or civilian clothing. See Minimum Uniform and Equipment List.

The number of sponsored individuals shall be limited to the amount of clothing and equipment available within the corporation for loan. In no case shall the number of sponsored participants exceed 25% of the membership commitment to any event.

Article VI – Company D Funds & Dues

6.00 Company D Funds
Company D shall maintain a treasury in order to conduct the business of Company D. Funds shall be raised through the collection of dues, the acceptance of donations, and the receipt of fees for conducting living histories, reenactments, presentations and seminars.

A checking account will be established and maintained in a local Virginia bank by the corporate Treasurer.

Disbursements for routine and customary expenses associated with the normal business of Company D will require the approval of both the company Treasurer and one additional Executive Committee member. From time to time large or unusual disbursements may be made from the treasury upon the recommendation of any eligible member. Such disbursements shall be executed in accordance with the foregoing and shall require the additional approval of a majority of the membership.

6.01 Dues
a.) All eligible members shall pay annual dues into the corporate treasury on or before the annual meeting of Company D, but in no case shall dues be paid later than March 1st of each calendar year. The Treasurer will notify any potential member of the dues required to join Company D if after the March 1st Dues date.
b.) Members will be offered either a single membership or family membership rate. Family dues are those dues that cover those individuals who are a family unit as defined by the IRS.
c.) The initial dues for the company will be as follows:
Annual Dues
Single Membership $28.00
Family Membership $38.00
d.) Any changes in annual dues will be decided by a majority of Established Members pursuant to Section 8.04(a).

6.02 Disposal of Company D Funds
Upon dissolution of this organization, the Executive Committee shall, after satisfying all corporate liabilities, dispose of the assets of The 17th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company D, "Fairfax Rifles," Living History Society exclusively for charitable purposes to the Fairfax Museum and Visitors Center, 10209 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22030 to do with as they see fit.

Article VII – Committees

7.00 There will be one standing committee—the Executive Committee—which will be in place at all times in the life of this corporation. The Board of Directors/Executive Committee may, when needed, establish various additional committees and appoint members to serve thereon.

Article VIII – Meetings

8.00 Special, Committee and Annual Meetings
Special Company D meetings may be called on the recommendation of the president and/or Board of Directors/Executive Committee. A majority of the Board of Directors/Executive Committee will meet at least four (4) times each year, in person or remotely via email. There shall be an Annual meeting of Company D as close as possible to the start of the calendar year at a place to be determined by the Executive Committee.

A minimum of ten (10) business days' notice is required before all Annual meetings. A minimum of five (5) business days' notice is required before any Special Company D meetings. Such notice shall contain a tentative agenda and relevant purpose for the meeting. Notice for all Annual and Special Company D meetings will be by email or written correspondence. At no time will any Annual, Special Company D, or Executive Committee meeting be held in secret.

8.01 Annual Meeting
An Annual meeting of Company D shall occur as close as possible to the start of the calendar year. At no time will period dress be required at the Annual meeting. The following business shall be conducted at the Annual meeting:

1) Election of board of directors, corporate officers, and Field Commander;
2) Selection of Company D sanctioned events; and
3) Collection of annual dues.

8.02 Basic Meeting Procedures
The president shall act as chairman and conduct all corporate and Executive Committee meetings in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. In the event of his or her absence one of the two remaining officers shall conduct the meeting. All meetings of Company D will be conducted with the following basic procedures:

1) Call to order
2) Adoption of the Agenda
3) Invocation and Reading of the Pledge of Allegiance
4) Roll Call
5) Reading and Approval of the Minutes
6) Treasurer’s Report
7) Report of Committees
8) Old Business
9) New Business
10) Announcements
11) Program (if any)
12) Adjournment.

8.03 Quorums
In order to take a vote pursuant to Section 8.04, a quorum must be present at the Annual or Special Company D meeting. Such quorum shall consist of a majority of the Established Members of Company D (as determined by Section 3.06, Established Members).

8.04 Voting
a.) General: Except as provided in Section 8.04(f), all matters of importance to Company D, including changes to the annual dues and the election of the board of directors, Company D officers, and Field Commander, shall be determined by majority vote of Established Members at an Annual or Special Company D meeting in the presence of a quorum (as defined in Section 8.03)

b.) Voting Procedure:
1.) Motion by an eligible member.
2.) Motion seconded by another eligible member. 
3.) Chairman to call for discussion.
4.) Discussion (if any).
5.) Substitute or amended motions (if any).
6.) Call of the question by the chair or any eligible member.
7.) Voting procedure determined by the chair (i.e. by voice, show of hands, rising, or secret ballot).
8.) Execution of the vote.
9.) Announcement of the result by the chair.

c.) Secret Ballots: If the vote is to be by secret ballot the secretary shall prepare and distribute paper ballots and writing implements to the members. Members will in turn record their vote fold their ballots and await collection by the secretary. The chairman will then appoint another officer who, with the secretary, shall repair to a location apart from the assembly, count the ballots, record the results, destroy the ballots and return with the results. The chair will hold his vote in the event of a tie and cast it in his or her capacity as the presiding officer. In the event the chair's vote causes a tie, the motion will be rejected due to a lack of a majority.

d.) E-mails: E-mails may not be used to determine corporate votes.

e.) Proxies: Any Eligible Member may designate in writing or by email that another Established Member is empowered to cast his or her vote on any item at any Annual or Special Company D meeting. Printed proof (by written or printed email) of this proxy must be presented to the Secretary (or designee) prior to the vote.

f.) Bylaws: Any change to the Bylaws requires an affirmative vote of 75 percent of the quorum.

Article IX – Events

9.00 Sanctioned Events
At the annual meeting the membership will determine which events to attend, participate, sponsor and otherwise sanction for the upcoming calendar year. Each member shall have the right to nominate any event of his or her choosing that he or she would like the company to attend, participate in, sponsor or sanction. Members nominating events will have the responsibility of informing the membership as to the specific time, date, location and nature of the event nominated. Upon receiving all nominations, the chair in accordance with procedures established Article VIII, shall call for a simple majority vote. Such decision shall determine whether or not the company officially sanctions a particular event.

On determination of all company sanctioned events the membership shall inform the president which events they plan to attend. Any and all fees associated with event registrations are then immediately due and payable to the treasurer along with members’ annual dues. In accordance with Article III, section 3.10 “Points” will be awarded for attendance at any sanctioned event.

9.01 Additional Sanctioned Events
At various times during a season, the company or its individual members are invited to participate in educational, ceremonial, or celebratory events. These events often result in an honorarium or donation to the company. Although not sanctioned by a majority vote of the membership, these types of events will be considered sanctioned if those attending: 1.) notify the president regarding date, location and nature of the event, prior to attending; 2.) are dressed in 1860s attire; 3.) are specifically representing the company; and 4.) conduct themselves in such a manner as to reflect credit on themselves and the Fairfax Rifles.

No more than two (2) points toward the six (6) required points may be earned at these types of events. If more than two (2) points are earned at these events, they will be added to the total number of points for the season.

9.02 Non-Sanctioned Events
Each member may attend any non-sanctioned event of his choice as an individual. In accordance with Article III, Section 3.08 “Points,” no points will be awarded for attendance of any non-sanctioned event.

Individuals choosing to attend non-sanctioned events attend said events with the understanding that they are acting alone and not under the authority of Company D. A simple majority shall rule such vote.

Article X – Military Organization

10.00 Generally
The 17th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company D seeks to portray as authentically as possible a military infantry regiment of the period. Consequently, there exists a need to establish proper military protocol, chain of command and etiquette. The corporation adopts the following structure for military demonstration purposes only. The authority, privileges and prerogatives accompanying the Field Commander and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) of this company may only be exercised within established camps or company sanctioned events.

10.01 Structure
The company Field Commander and NCOs of this corporation shall consist of one (1) line officer, either a captain, or, 1st or 2nd lieutenant, one (1) first sergeant and one (1) corporal. In addition to those already established by this section, additional field officer(s) or NCO ranks may be created on the recommendation of the Field Commander. The Executive Committee shall approve the recommendation by a simple majority.

Appointment of Junior Officer(s) and NCOs will be based upon the Field Commander's recommendation and approved by a simple majority of the Executive Committee.

The Officer in Charge of the company shall, at all times, be the highest ranking officer or NCO of the corporation at any sanctioned event. Any duly elected Field Commander or NCO of this company shall remain in command of all troops who are established, associate or affiliated members of this company.
Officers and NCOs of the Fairfax Rifles who hold their rank based on positions within 2nd Regiment PACS are considered to be in 2nd Regiment, PACS chain of command, but should be accorded the respect of their rank within the company.

10.02 Election of Field Commander
The Field Commander shall be elected at the annual meeting by a simple majority of eligible members and shall hold office for a period of one year, or until such time that they resign, or are removed from office. Members may hold only one field office and one corporate office at a time. A member may not simultaneously hold the positions of corporate president and field commander. The election of Field Commander will be conducted in accordance with Article VII, Section 8.04 “Voting.”

10.03 Field Commander
The field commander is the leader of the regiment in the field and has authority over all military personnel. The field commander will be the highest ranking company field officer on the field. The field commander’s duties are to:
1) Organize and direct camp set-up and safety.
2) Act as the company representative at all military meetings.
3) Issue orders and otherwise inform the company of the order of military events.
4) Conduct or oversee military instruction and drill.
5) Supervise the overall authenticity of the unit.
6) Provide recommendations to 2nd Regiment, PACS to fill vacant positions within its staff.

10.04 Lieutenant
The lieutenant is the leader of the company and has authority over all military personnel of the company when the field commander is absent or unable to exercise his duties.
The lieutenant's duties will be the same as the field commander.
The lieutenant's position will be a brevetted position by order of the field commander, and the lieutenant will revert to his former rank when the field commander has resumed command of the company.

10.05 First Sergeant
The first sergeant is the leader of the regiment in the absence of the field commander commander or lieutenant, and will have authority over all military personnel. Otherwise, the first sergeant’s duties are to:
1) Communicate the orders of the field commander and otherwise inform the company of the order of military events.
2) Assist the field commander in all military matters as needed.
3) Oversee the daily operations of the camp and all subordinate military personnel.
4) Assign members to work details including but not limited to the gathering of wood and water.
5) Insure that all members are properly and authentically uniformed, equipped and have adequate food and water.
6) Form the company at reveille or as might be directed by the field commander. Drill and otherwise instruct the company as directed by the field commander.
7) Call and or maintain the company roll.
8) Communicate with the corporation secretary member attendance at sanctioned events.                           
9) Establish and maintain all company training and safety records.

10.06 Color Sergeant
The color sergeant is the leader of the company in the field in the absence of the field commander or lieutenant, or first sergeant, and will have authority over all military personnel of the company.    
Otherwise, the color sergeant's duties are to:
1) Assist the field commander or lieutenant and first sergeant in all military matters as needed.
2) Serve as company or regimental guide as needed.

10.07 Corporal
The corporal is the leader of the regiment in the absence of the field commander or lieutenant or first sergeant or color sergeant and has authority over all military personnel except the field commander and the first sergeant. T
Otherwise, the corporal’s duties are to:
1) Assist the first sergeant and lieutenant or field commander in all military matters as needed.
2) Assist the first sergeant in overseeing the daily operations of the camp and all subordinate military personnel.
3) Assist the first sergeant in assigning members to work details including but not limited to the gathering of wood and water.
4) Assist the first sergeant in seeing that all members are properly and authentically uniformed, equipped and have adequate food and water.
5) Form and drill the company under the direction of the field commander or first sergeant.

10.08 Resignation or Removal of Field Officers
A member holding a field office may resign at any time by submitting a written letter of resignation to any member of the Executive Committee. Upon the occasion of such a resignation the Executive Committee shall call a special meeting of the membership or initiate a vote on a replacement of the office.

All field officers serve at the pleasure of the membership and may be removed with just cause. At request of any three (3) eligible members showing just cause, a vote for removal may be initiated by the membership at any scheduled corporate meeting or event at which a quorum as present and acting throughout. A simple majority shall rule such vote.

Article XI – Military Protocol and Courtesy

11.00 Generally
In camp and on the field strict military protocol will be observed at all times.

11.01 Orders
Members are expected to obey promptly all legitimate orders issued by the properly appointed field commander and/or NCO. Orders of other recognized military units shall be recognized subject to the proper chain of command.

11.02 Courtesy & Saluting
During the period between reveille and tattoo, in the field or in camp, all members shall extend proper military courtesy towards each other and towards other units.

Any properly appointed commissioned officer of any command, Confederate or Federal, is entitled to be addressed by his title and given the courtesy of a salute. Any properly appointed non-commissioned officer of any command is entitled to be addressed by his title. When addressing or being addressed by any properly appointed commissioned or non-commissioned officer of any command, members of this command will come to attention and salute as necessary and address the officer by his appropriate title.

Members are expected to behave at all times in the proper military or civilian manner appropriate for the period.

Article XII – Uniform and Equipment

12.00 Generally
All members will endeavor to authentically attire themselves with the minimum uniform and accoutrements and/or civilian clothing according to Minimum Uniform and Equipment List. All outer garments, shoes and eyewear should be as close as possible to the 1860s period. Although new members are not expected to be fully equipped immediately they may seek sponsorship from the company and shall fully attire and equip themselves as soon as practical.

12.01 Minimum Uniform and Equipment List
Members of this company shall equip themselves with, but not limit themselves to, the following items:

1.) MANDATORY military equipment for this company:
Hat - Kepi or Slouch (having both, eventually, recommended) or Forage Cap
Military Coat - CS Issue Shell or Sack Coat
Trousers - CS Issue or Civilian pattern
Shirts - cotton or wool homespun
Suspenders - CW period-correct
Wool Socks - gray or natural
Brogans (Shoes) with Heel Plates or period Civilian Work Boots
Waist Belt - black leather
Belt Buckle - rectangular Va. State Seal (brass) (or ** below)
Cartridge Box - black leather (sling optional)
Cap Pouch - black leather
Canteen - tin, wood, or stainless steel
Haversack - cotton duck or tarred
Rifle - 3 band .58 cal. Enfield or Springfield
Bayonet - Enfield or Springfield (to match rifle)
Bayonet Scabbard with Springfield-style frog (regardless of musket type)
Poncho or Ground Cover (Oilcloth)
Blanket - wool or jean cloth
Plate, Cup and Utensils

2.) OPTIONAL military equipment for this company:
Rifle Sling
Belt Buckle** - Frame or Forked Tooth (brass)
Mucket (Coffee Boiler - handy to cook in)
Lantern - wood or tin
Tent - 9 foot A-tent (or Shelter halves - "Dog Tent")
Tent Stakes (10)
Greatcoat (Winter Overcoat) - wool, gray or light blue
Hat Pin- Va. State seal (brass)
Camp Chair – wood, duck or carpet material
Breast Plate(s) - round Va. State seal (brass) for cartridge box and/or sling

3.) The following are items you may need to replace after an event or two:
Paper Cartridge Tubes
Black Powder - FFg or FFFg (1 lb) [Not Smokeless] Max. 70 grains per cartridge tube.
Percussion Caps (Note: NO SIX-WINGED CAPS becausesix-winged or "hot" caps are for in-line black powder weapons and can cause serious injury to yourself and others if used on our rifle during reenactments).

12.02 Civilian Clothing and Equipment
Civilian clothing does not have the same kind of mandatory equipment as the military. Of course, there is a minimum amount of clothing required in order for civilian re-enactors to pass as 19th Century citizens. All outer garments, shoes and eyewear should be as close as possible to the 1860s period. There is a little flexibility in the area of children’s shoes (they are outgrown so fast!), but they should be made of leather, not sneakers. There are linked resources on our “Links” web page to web sites which deal with civilian re-enacting.

Article XIII – Camp Rules and Safety

13.00 Generally
Safety and authenticity should be of paramount concern to all members and their guests. The members of this company owe it to themselves, the public and other participants to be mindful of the inherent dangers of handling weapons and explosives.

Authenticity is the key to creating a good impression. Modern (non-period) items will be stored out of public sight or covered with period-appropriate material.

Unless otherwise stated, the rules of this section will apply and remain in effect during all company sanctioned events.

13.01 Weapons
All members will be mindful of their weapons and equipment at all times.

When in the field, members will handle their rifles and edged weapons according to the manual of arms as defined in Hardee’s Light Infantry Tactics. To ensure the company’s authenticity and safety compliance the field commander and the first sergeant will conduct an inspection of all weapons each morning or prior to first formation.

When in camp rifles will be kept stacked at the discretion of the field commander or secured in one’s tent. Edged weapons shall also be secured in tents when not in use.

13.02 Fires
Extreme care should be exercised when locating, building and maintaining cook fires and handling candle-lit lanterns.

Fire pits are to be located at the end of the company street out of the path of traffic and well away from the nearest tent. The sod should first be carefully removed if possible in order that it might be reset after the event. Fire pits are to be dug no larger than 2 feet x 1 1/2 feet and 4 inches deep. All dry combustible materials such as leaves grass and fuel should be kept at least two feet away from the fire. Remember to also look overhead for dry tree branches or other obstacles.

In your tent be extremely careful with matches and candle-lit lanterns. Gunpowder and other flammables should be stored well away form the source of the flame. Always have a full bucket of water on hand in the event of a fire.

13.03 Cleanliness
Hygiene is one advantage that we have over our ancestors. Most events take place well away from modern facilities. Event organizers vary greatly in the conveniences they supply. Accordingly, each member should plan for the worst. Camp cleanliness is one area where authenticity will be readily sacrificed!

Each member should plan bringing some soap, a washcloth, a small towel and a small amount of toilet paper to each event. If you do not wish to bring all of the foregoing consider at least bringing some moist towelettes or baby wipes to clean up with. These items are easily stowed out of site and are obviously beneficial to all the members of the company.

13.04 Medical Conditions
Each member shall inform the highest ranking field officer, and any other members, of any significant medical condition that could manifest itself at an event. The field commander should be notified immediately of any injuries that have occurred regardless of how minor.

13.05 Fatigue
In hot weather members should be aware of the dangers of fatigue and should take extra precautions. Anticipate periods of exertion in hot weather and rest beforehand. Pace yourself, rest often, in the shade if possible and take in adequate amounts of water. If you feel faint or simply cannot make it – STOP! Inform the field commander, or another company member. Equal diligence should be observed in cold weather.

13.06 Public Demonstrations
Members shall act at all times to ensure the safety of the public.
1) Use extreme care when demonstrating weapons.
2) Never allow a member of the public to handle a loaded weapon.
3) Police the camp of hazards before the public arrives.
4) Never leave an unattended fire burning in camp.
5) Do not allow children to handle black powder.
6) Always keep at least one hand on any unloaded weapon being handled by a member of the public.

13.07 Battles and Skirmishes
All members shall observe the following precautions in the field:
1) Always assume firearms are loaded.
2) Never place your hand or face over the muzzle of any weapon.
3) Never, never, never, draw your ramrod or attempt to ram your cartridges.
4) Never use antique weapons.
5) Never fix bayonets unless ordered to do so.
6) Do not load more than 70 grains of black powder in rifle cartridges.
7) Be certain your weapon is always in the half-cock (safety) position until ordered to fire.
8) Do not discharge your weapon until specifically ordered to do so.
9) When firing from the rear rank always be certain you are firing over the right shoulder of your file partner and that his right ear is between the 2nd and 3rd band of your rifle.
10) Always elevate your rifle above opposing re-enactors, even at great distances, before discharging.
11) Never carry live rounds.
12) Never engage in hand to hand combat unless previously agreed upon by all parties.
13) Never attempt to capture an opposing unit’s colors.
14) Never smoke in the presence of black powder.
15) Use of cotton or ear plugs as ear protection is encouraged.
16) Maintain all firearms in a good working condition.
17) No minors under the age of 16 will be permitted to carry any weapon onto the field.
18) No one will be permitted onto the field under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
19) The field commander and the first sergeant will inspect all members’ weapons for cleanliness and operating condition at each event.
20) Any weapon deemed to be unsafe will not be permitted to be used until it has been either cleaned or put in working order and re-inspected.

Article XIV – Amendments

14.00 Generally
Procedures for amending the By-laws of Company D are provided in 8.04(f) above. Additionally, the Executive Committee must send out by email or written correspondence a notice to all Eligible members of the content of all proposed amendment(s) to the Bylaws no later than 30 days prior to the Annual or Special Company D meeting in which the amendment(s) are to be considered.

14.01 Submission of Amendments
Any proposed amendment(s) to the bylaws must be submitted in writing, by email or written correspondence to the Executive Committee for review. The Executive Committee shall distribute by email or written correspondence a copy of the proposed amendment(s) to each Established eligible voting member. If the Executive Committee deems the proposed amendment unjustified, that Committee must show just cause to the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting why such an amendment should not be adopted. The question will then be put to the membership and a simple majority of the quorum is needed to call for a vote on the proposed amendment.

All rights reserved. 17th VA Co. D Fairfax Rifles